Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

30 August, 2020


Happy Constitution Day

Dear compatriots!

An Assembly of People of Kazakhstan congratulates you on the state holiday – Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

A Basic Law of the country was enacted at the nationwide referendum25 years ago. The Constitution has determined a democratic course of the development, became a core of the legal system, and a new starting point in the creation of a modern state structure based on national unity and harmony.

Celebrating an anniversary, we see large-scale historical changes that have occurred during this period. The foundations of statehood were fundamentally strengthened through the policy of the First President – Elbasy.

Today Kazakhstan is a state with an open market economy, providing a strategic continuity at a new stage of state-building, implements the modernization programs in all spheres of the society, and our country is respected and recognized all over the world.

It is important to preserve the true Kazakhstani values, proclaimed by the Constitution, and to ensure strict observance of its norms is the key to further successful development in the social-economic, cultural and humanitarian direction.

Dear compatriots!

It is symbolic that the anniversaries of the Constitution and the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan are always celebrated together. They were appeared in the same year, as a response to the challenges of the past and made it possible to achieve the main goal, which is to consolidate and unite the united people of Kazakhstan.

May the Constitution Day always be a symbol of patriotism and our love for the Motherland!

We wish you all a strong health, success, kindness and peace!

Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

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