Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

01 May, 2021


Congratulation messages from the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan on the Day of Unity

Dear compatriots!

The Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan sincerely congratulates you on the Day of Unity of Kazakhstan.

For our country, the holiday of national unity has a special meaning and significance.

All our successes and achievements over the years of independence have the result of the consistent policy to strengthen social harmony and unity in Kazakhstani society.

A principle of “Unity in diversity” became the basis for the integration of multi-ethnic and multicultural Kazakhstan.

An understanding of the value of harmonious interethnic relations, a sense of solidarity, mutual support and gratitude have become entrenched in our society firmly, as an integral part of our life and culture.

Today our unity has received a new impetus within the framework of creating a new model of the social state and national well-being.

“Five Social Initiatives of the President” is a large-scale platform for social unity of the society, Kazakh model of peace and harmony.

Dear Kazakhstanis!

We live in accordance with the precepts of popular wisdom: “People without unity – the people without the future”, we strengthen our Motherland – the Republic of Kazakhstan.

We are one nation and have one homeland. The destiny of everyone is in the destiny of Kazakhstan.

On this bright holiday, we wish everyone good health, happiness, and prosperity! May this day bring a lot of joy and light to our homes!

Please accept our warmest congratulations on the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan!

We would like to wish peace and prosperity to our native land!

Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan

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