Assembly of People of Kazakhstan


Timur Jumurbayev: The Address by the President Covered the Most Important Issues of State Development

Timur Jumurbayev, Head of Public Association ‘Zharasym’ Youth Organization, expressed his opinion on the Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

"Certainly, all planned transformations will affect interests of youth, as the most active part of the population of the country. New opportunities open up for young entrepreneurs - it is a tax unloading and moratorium on small business inspections. It will give an impulse to development of new business directions in the youth environment. The given initiatives will allow to create good base for the Kazakhstan startupers. The forthcoming forum of IT-projects of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan "Synergy of youth" will become especially essential”, he noted.

Timur Jumurbayev notes that the commitment of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the formula "unity in diversity" indicates readiness to develop a model of social accord and national unity. The special importance of studying the state language was noted. It is necessary to tell that youth of APK takes active part in work of clubs "Mamile", and in separate regions the projects on studying Kazakh language are started.

Thus the state continues to support studying of languages of other ethnoses living on Kazakh land, the public figure is sure. "Qassym-Jomart Tokayev raised the issue of tourism development. Kazakhstan's multi-ethnicity should become a subject of attraction for foreign tourists. The wealth of culture of Kazakhstanis can attract tourists from the homeland of historical residence of the Kazakh ethnicities.

The youth project of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan ‘Eltanu’ within the limits of the program "Sacred Kazakhstan" can open new tourist routes for the Kazakhstan and foreign tourists. The Address by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan covered the most important issues of the state development. Qassym-Jomart Tokayev showed his personal readiness to cooperate with the civil sector in the implementation of reforms.

Every citizen of Kazakhstan should feel involved in the implementation of important reforms for the country. They should be clear and accessible to everyone. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan stressed that the changes being prepared should not be formalized, but should fulfill the main goal - to improve the welfare of each citizen of Kazakhstan", concluded Timur Jumurbayev.

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