Assembly of People of Kazakhstan

17 April, 2020


Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Announces Contest

Assembly of People of Kazakhstan under the national action #birgemiz announces the launch of a competition for publications in social networks "Meirimdilikten-Birlikke".

The future of Kazakhstan largely depends on your activity, creative approach, not indifferent attitude to the events and people around you. Your contribution to the development of Kazakhstan consists of original ideas, actions and deeds. In the publication you can share your ideas with the whole country, tell about good deeds and good deeds that you do yourself or with friends.
Certainly, the post should reflect your civic position, charge with positive attitude and be distinguished by originality. It can be accompanied by a photo illustration, a video. The posts of the corresponding subject can be published in the state and Russian languages.
5 most interesting publications will be marked by the competition commission and placed on the official pages of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and youth movement "Jangyru Joly". Also special gifts from the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan will be waiting for the most active participants. The decision on awarding is made by the organizer.
The post should be placed in social networks. The contest participant should note in his publication the accounts of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan and the Republican Youth Movement "Zhangyru Zholy" (APK - assembly_kz; RYM - @jangyrujoly) and specify hashtags: #BIRGEMIZ #JANGYRUJOLY.
This is an opportunity for you to "PRomote" yourself, tell about your achievements, plans and undertakings for the benefit of society.

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